
The health and beauty industry has suffered more than most during the pandemic, with gyms, hair salons, hairdressers and spas shutting their doors as lockdown hit.
New vaccines offer a glimmer of hope so when businesses do fully reopen, they need to be ready to meet the top trends and services customers will be longing for.
Whether it’s haircuts, beauty treatments, or full-body overhauls at the gym, customers will be racing to pamper themselves in 2021 and with our commercial insurance behind you, you’ll be raring to go!
If you run a health or beauty business you’ll want to do everything you can to make this year the most profitable possible and protect your business from anything else that could stop you from getting back on your feet.
That’s why commercial insurance is now more important than ever. As businesses change and adapt, so will the risks they face. Talk to the specialists at Insurance Choice to make sure you’ve got the right cover for you.
So, let’s take a look at some of the biggest health and beauty trends that should be on your radar this year. Use this guide to inform your products, services, and marketing plans.

1. Mental wellness

According to a new report by the Global Wellness Institute, mental wellness is one of the most in-demand health trends of the new year. Findings suggest that the mental wellness economy is worth a staggering $121 billion, so businesses should be looking to incorporate services and products that promote good mental, as well as physical, health this year.
The report suggests there are four key markets that cover mental wellness: senses, spaces, and sleep; brain-boosting nutraceuticals and botanicals; self-improvement; and meditation and mindfulness.
The senses, spaces and sleep category include things like sound therapy, light therapy, aromatherapy and stress toys.
Nutraceuticals and botanicals include supplements, herbs and products containing cannabis derivatives like CBD oil.
Self-improvement is a category that is particularly relevant for spas and gyms who could offer wellbeing and personal development workshops, classes, retreats, and brain-training sessions in their open spaces.
The fastest growing sector according to the report is the meditation and mindfulness category. Covering everything from breathwork, body scans and relaxation workshops to cushions, journals and colouring books, meditation and mindfulness-related products and services will be in high demand.
Talking to Professional Beauty, senior research fellow at the Global Wellness Institute Katherine Johnston said: “We’re excited to release this study because people are desperate for alternative strategies to cope, and we hope it clarifies how important it is to promote mental wellness – and how businesses, governments and individuals can all play different roles in addressing a growing crisis."
How could you adapt your services or offerings to cash in on this mental wellbeing trend? Just remember that as your business changes, so will your risk profile. Make sure you have adequate commercial insurance in place to protect you and your customers.
 An overhead view of a woman sitting on a wooden floor meditating

2. Physical activity that connects body and mind

Staying with the mental wellness trend above, people will be looking for physical activities that connect the mind, body, and spirit.
Speaking to Glamour, personal trainer from Mark Reynolds says that more people will be taking up Pilates and yoga this year in the hope of mixing muscle relaxation with physical training and mindfulness.
He also suggests online training will remain popular so gyms may still wish to offer virtual alternatives to traditional classes. If you’re investing in new technology for your gym, make sure it’s covered by your commercial insurance.

3. Cosmetic treatments to combat Zoom face

The pandemic saw an explosion in home working, which in turn triggered a huge surge in people searching for cosmetic treatments to counteract what has become known as ‘Zoom face’.
As the BBC reported, demand for face and neck work had increased by 57%  according to Save Face, the national register for accredited non-surgical cosmetic treatment practitioners.
If your beauty salon or spa is thinking about diversifying its offering, treatments like Botox, fillers or non-surgical face lifts might help you stand out from the crowd.

4. Brow boom

Wearing facemasks means that only our eyes and eyebrows are on show most of the time. And recent searches on Pinterest for ‘goth brows’ and ‘colourful brows’ indicate a growing trend for brow beauty next year.

In fact, searches on the platform for ‘bleached brows’ recorded a 160% increase according to the Soon-To-Be-Trending Report for 2021.
If your brow services are somewhat sparse at present, why not investigate extending your offering in 2021 and plucking a few new clients from your competitors in the process?
 A woman having her eyebrows threaded at a salon

5. Antimicrobial beauty treatments

We’ve all become obsessed with washing our hands and using antibacterial gel during the pandemic, and this trend is set to cross over into beauty products as well this coming year.
According to experts, more beauty formulations will incorporate antibacterial or antimicrobial formulations. Touch-free applications and packaging will also rise in popularity, meeting customer demand for an overall ‘safer’ beauty experience.

Protect your health and beauty business with commercial insurance

We’ve all missed our regular trips to the hairdresser, salon, swimming pool and gym during the pandemic which has only reaffirmed how important these businesses are to our physical and mental health.
Beauty salons and hairdressers are a vital part of our economy, generating over £8billion in 2018, with many businesses in the sector helping to keep our ailing traditional high streets alive.
Here at Insurance Choice, we want to help you reduce your risk and protect against any unforeseen incidents by finding you the right commercial insurance for your budget and needs. Recovering after the pandemic will be tough, but we’re here to help you find affordable protection so you can protect your business for the long term.   
Insurance arranged through us could cover things like:
• Stock
• Glass and signage
• Employer’s liability up to £10million
• Money in safe, on premises or in transit
• Public and products liability up to £5million
Talk to our specialist team today and reopen your business even stronger than before.

Get a quote for commercial insurance for your business  today.
Policy benefits, features and discounts offered may very between insurance schemes or cover selected and are subject to underwriting criteria. Information contained within this article is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.