
Having a holiday home is one of life’s little luxuries and if you’re blessed enough to own a little safe haven that you can escape to for the weekend, then having a hot tub is an amazing addition. Not only will you be able to make the most of your relaxation time as you immerse yourself in warm bubbles, but a hot tub can actually add value to your property, which can improve its investment value. This comes in particularly handy if you’re renting out your holiday home as another income stream.
Maybe you’ve been toying with the idea of buying a hot tub but need to see some solid facts on paper? Perhaps you need some ammo to use in the ‘hot tub debate’ with your other half? Well, you’ve come to the right place. We’re taking a look at the top reasons for adding a hot tub to your holiday home and how it could lead to increased rental income.

Why are hot tubs great for a holiday home?

Holiday homes are synonymous with weekends away, quick breaks and burnout-busting relaxation. Is there any better way to let off some steam (literally!) than to enjoy a soak in your very own hot tub?
A holiday home is a perfect place for a hot tub. Whilst you might not use it regularly at home, you're more likely to enjoy a pleasant dip in one when you’re away on holiday. Guilt-free relaxation is what a hot tub is all about, and holiday homes often embody this ideal, too.
However, there’s not just the benefit of enjoying the hot tub when you go to visit your holiday home. If you rent your property out during low season or periods when you don’t need to use it, you can enjoy higher rental income as hot tubs are highly sought after. Everyone wants to kick back and relax when they go away, and a hot tub makes this happen.

Benefits of installing a hot tub in your holiday home

Hot tubs can have many financial benefits as well as making you feel amazing. If you rent your property out, you’re likely to receive a higher rental income from a place with a hot tub. That’s whether you rent your place out regularly or just do it occasionally on Airbnb. Having a hot tub is a huge draw, especially if you are located remotely in an area where people can really switch off and get away from the world.

  • Increased search and booking interest

It’s one of those little ‘extras’ that could really make the difference between someone booking your holiday let over another. In fact, thousands of people search for hot tubs and accommodations with hot tubs every day on Google. Rough figures for monthly searches show that 40,500 queries for ‘lodges with hot tubs’ and a little over 18,000 for ‘cottages with hot tubs’ in the UK, USA and Germany. All this to say that you could really boost your occupancy levels with a hot tub.

  • Higher revenue

With this higher generated interested, you can easily charge more for your property. In fact, some research suggests that the booking value can increase from between 10-20%! In general, any additional feature added to your holiday let should allow you to charge more. It’s something you may, therefore, want to look into, especially if the competition in your area is going down the hot tube route.
Of course, the decision always lies with you as to whether or not investing in a hot tube makes sense for your holiday home. You should ask yourself if it fits with the overall strategy of the package you are trying to sell. Are you looking to provide as luxe an experience as possible for guests? Or, are you simply trying to provide an experience that is affordable? Will you be looking to get any personal use out of it? The answers to these questions should help you determine whether or not it makes sense to buy one.

  • Year-round entertainment

What makes a hot tub so great is that it’s not necessarily a seasonal addition. Hot tubs can be used year-round, especially in the colder months when guests might want somewhere to warm up. Sitting under the stars surrounded by soft bubbling, heated water makes for a great holiday highlight. They can also come in handy in the summer months during chilly evenings when guests still want to be outside. In fact, some may be keen to fire up the BBQ, and sip some chilled cocktails in the tub, while relaxing under the stars.

  • Riding the ‘socialising at home’ trend

Hot tubs are in high demand at the moment due to the trend of socialising at home coming into its own. If you want to invest in a hot tub, often they can contribute to a nice garden that will be attractive to potential buyers and may help to increase the asking price when the time comes to sell your holiday home.
Further to that, research shows that we are increasingly socialising within our homes instead of eating and drinking out (which is becoming more expensive to do). As people feel the pinch, home buyers will be looking for extra touches that allow them to enjoy socialising at home and hot tubs provide amazing entertainment. 
This is true for Airbnb travellers as well, as many people who rent out these types of accommodations do so because they want to be able to stay in, cook and relax, instead of going out and playing ‘tourist’.
In the long run, having an added source of relaxation and entertainment that keeps you or your guests at home is going to be a money-saver.

Do guests prefer hot tubs?

In short, yes. If you rent your property out, a holiday home with a hot tub will generate more interest. This is especially true in the UK, where a pool is not really an option but a hot tub can keep you toasty, even when there’s snow on the ground.
Your property will be in higher demand if it has a hot tub and you’ll keep your guests happy, too - it’s a real win-win. With happier customers, you’ll have better reviews which will, in turn, tempt other holiday hunters to come and stay in your lovely holiday home. It’s a great way to pull the crowd in and get more bookings.
 The side of a bubbling Jacuzzi with cups and cutlery set around the edge of it

Are hot tubs easy to manage?

Yes, they are easy to install and manage. However, it’s worth bearing in mind that if you have a hot tub and rent out your holiday home then you will need to comply with health and safety regulations.
Most hot tubs can be installed in a couple of days and only take the maintenance of changing the water and checking the PH levels now and again. Most hot tub suppliers will provide you with all the information you need, as well as installation offered as standard when you buy a hot tub from them. They are nothing to worry about – all you need to do is make sure that it’s clean and safe and you’re good to go!
The average hot tub will need to be heated to between 35 and 40 degrees celsius for a relaxing bubble bath. However, due to the warm temperature, hot tubs can be a nightmare as they attract bacteria like legionella. To help you out, the Health and Safety Executive has set some rules for people who are using hot tubs as part of business activity here. Simply follow these rules for an easy hot tub experience.
And don’t forget to have the extra back-up of holiday home insurance in case something goes wrong.

Are hot tubs good for parties?

If you or your guests are thinking of throwing a holiday home party or mini gathering, then a hot tub can be a great way to engage partygoers. If your holiday home is set away from the city or nearest town, then having a hot tub means you needn’t leave the safety of your little holiday home nest.
Throwing a hot tub party can be an amazing way to get some good use out of your holiday home and enjoy your new hot tub with your nearest and dearest. Beware though: hot tubs and glass do not mix, so whilst you might think it’s a great idea to bring the champers into the hot tub for your rendezvous, it’s a good idea to use plastic cups.
Glass can break more easily in heated temperatures and if you smash your glass in the hot tub it will bounce around potentially cutting people in the tub.
Moreover, it’s very hard to get the glass out once it’s in there. The best solution? Avoid glass in the hot tub at all costs. Ask your guests to do this as well and make sure you sign up for holiday home insurance to ensure your investment is protected when you’re not present.

What are the health benefits of hot tubs?

If you’re wondering how a hot tub can be the perfect addition to your holiday property, then look no further than the health benefits. Hot tubs actually have many health benefits that extend beyond their capacity to create good memories and up your rental income when you’re away. Take a look at the top health benefits of hot tubs:

  • Reduces joint inflammation

The buoyancy of hot tubs allows your joints to mobilise and relax, which can reduce joint inflammation and increase flexibility. If you struggle with achy knees, hips and shoulders, a session in a hot tub can help to ease that pain.

  • Reduces muscle soreness

If you’re an active person who likes to exercise a lot, then hot tubs are the perfect way to ease the pain of muscle soreness. The jets can massage the muscles that ache and speed up recovery, whilst heat is a great way to get the blood pumping through the muscles.

  • Reduced blood sugar levels

Hot tubs are known to have great effects on blood sugar levels, and can even help people with type 2 diabetes, including helping to reduce blood sugar up to 13%.

  • Promotes weight loss

Imagine going away on holiday and losing weight?! Well, with a hot tub in your property or holiday home this could be a reality. Hot tubs promote muscle movement and simulate the movements of exercise which can help promote weight loss – winning!

  • It helps you sleep

The main thing that people want when they escape to their holiday home is time to switch off and relax. Hot tubs are a great way to catch more zzzs. Hot tubs before bed are a known remedy for restless sleepers or those who have difficulty dropping off.

  • Stress relief

Whether you’re using the hot tub for yourself or are advertising it to your potential clients, having a hot tub is great for stress relief. There’s not much you can be stressed about when you’re bouncing around in bubbles and enjoying the company of your family and friends.
 The corner of a hot tub with a jet spouting water into the tub

What risks will holiday home insurance cover?

It’s worth reminding yourself of the top risks that any holiday home needs to be protected against:

  • Fire and other accidents. If you have a holiday home with a hot tub, you will want to protect your property from any damage that is outside of your control like a burst pipe or overflow. Since it’s your second home and you’re not there every day, it’s wise to make sure the value of the policy is enough to cover any damage caused.


  • Furniture and appliances. If you are only visiting your holiday home once or twice a year, or you have guests living there for their holidays, it's a good idea to invest in contents insurance, too. Things can get damaged easily when people are having fun on holiday, so consider how much it would cost to replace these items in case of damage or theft.


  • Weather damage. Weather damage can wreak havoc on your holiday home – and potentially your hot tub. Make sure your insurance covers you for water and storm damage and any rips that occur due to bad weather.


  • Break-ins and burglaries. Standard holiday home policies cover you against theft or break-ins, and you can add accidental damage cover for an additional premium. If you leave your property for weeks or months at a time, you are at a heightened risk of burglary.


How can I get insurance for a holiday home with a hot tub?

Holiday home insurance is really important, as your property is an asset that needs to be protected. This is especially true when you have a hot tub at the property as it increases the risks for you and your guests.
Specialist holiday home insurance is particularly important as most insurers won’t cover your property under a standard policy if you have a hot tub, so make sure you mention this when you get your quote.
To get a no-obligation holiday home insurance quote, please complete the Get a Quote form or give our team a call today on 01926 681120.